| 1. | In actuality, both Hoback boys had been killed in action June 6.
| 2. | That action changed his official status from missing to killed in action.
| 3. | Posters of Palestinians killed in action against Israel adorned the outside walls.
| 4. | He was declared killed in action, but his body was never recovered.
| 5. | He initially was listed as killed in action, with no body recovered.
| 6. | He was killed in action while fighting in Belgium in 1915.
| 7. | Both men were killed in action near Al Zubayr on Monday.
| 8. | James Heath Pirtle, 26, was killed in action Oct . 4.
| 9. | On 16 April Huseynov was killed in action north of Fischhausen.
| 10. | Olmstead and navigator, Porter Halyburton, were listed as killed in action.